The Anonymous little Green men from NASA who rippered their way to the Saoirse slay have intoned their courageous response to the article Bartista-gate and it’s too revealing for its dreary tragedy.  Explaining failure to warn with words that meant, the Beatles were pissed there are too many people and wanted the money. Their article of slurping is easy to summarize. The attackers denied it, and they want the money, so they decided to write themselves a check for it in the name of innocent people to cover for their collusion in the attack.

        You will notice that the first facts are never allowed or reported.  Instead, the FCC plays an indiscriminate game of forgetting everything that was entered into record before, as the insane asylum prosecuting innocent people saying the government had the right to commit mass murder in an innocent person’s name to cut costs.  They never investigated. They only stalled.

        When Foucault went to meet with the Ayatollah to set up UW’s program for the Death Valley of 444 days in America forever from those days forward hostage, he anticipated the silence of gangs like Al-Jazeera.   Weeze all Fundamentalists, bucktooths twanged.

       The murderers who attacked me sexually, trafficking syndicates like the Postal Union, contaminated at will, failed to protect, and normalized contagion seething that disabled people should be slaves of Catholic Worker for their dishonorable conduct necessitating the attack.  The good kind of black could rest easy. Lennon ducked out and left it no doubt to help with good Ollie’s Biblical revival endorsed by master quislings like, yick, Robert Fripp.

          The art of what the Warhols did, and anyone can see it from their levity over 911 on the DVD 119, the timing, by the way, of Shall We Dance, the film released as Midori Goto was riding high in her rejection of the queerbait’s plea for loyalty to the betrayed generation, was to make plausible their find of something they didn’t even need to bother to read, they had their response all planned, laying in wait, ready to upload, a huge international machine of misinformation and supply side physics, when they laughed, well-luh, what do we do we have here?  Myuh.

          Oh, it’s a hard to solve puzzle, Riback’s rubic’s cube, worth millyions.

         Largely following the cue of a culture pathetically enthralled by lowlife celebrities (who can forget Lennon and Jimmy Savilis?) they say they all sided with Katz and Operation 119,  the goodie goodie, as Gail Burstyn put it, who was twice as bad. Operating a controlling interest in the status quo, they tuned in to Jimmy’s awkwardness and deafness (no wonder everybody rejected him, hehn, just hehn) uploaded screaming trauma in an environment of hate, played their sex and death operation on Mt. Desert Island, yammered, get him, get him to contagious black man. He tried to snitch, he invaded our Whore House Sit-In, cut off his sex organs and make him prove his virtue as an undercover detective, as they hammered the auction house of child pornography:  Let’s Vote! Is he a victim!? Do we have a victim here!!?

         All is impinged.

What’s hard for law enforcement to understand about ARREST THE MOTHERFUCKERS (and leave someone who hates you alone)?