The United States Government clocked Two Virgins Pussyball to the AIDS attack. This is an absolutely straightforward act of written Christian drama found in letters written by Gail Carolyn Burstyn, a violent Israeli pornographer from New Jersey who operated in Pittsburgh. Her name is a nom de guerre from the cast of The Exorcist being protected by an attorney for the cast of the Broadway musical HAIR named Amanda Harcourt both sponsored by Yoko Ono. The name Gail Burstyn is onerously telltale. It stands for Christian apocalypse from the saddlebags of Reagan and John Wayne’s Hollywood: Gay ill Christmas caroling bombs bursting. The mystery is not in that they did this.
Instead of providing research assistance, the Bar Association has engaged in horrific organized crime. Rather than prosecuting or arresting the guilty they have horrifically tortured and serially molested me into terrifying penury, disability and infirmity informed by the crackpot idea that mutilating someone is therapy. To cover their foulness of purpose, they invented a sabbath whereby anyone who talks about it can be accused and attacked as seeking to profit against a Putin penny.
What comes out of the vicious history of this quasi-franchise is not just government collusion in an ordained genocide of severe terrorism by the AFL-CIO and their proxies. In addition to being bizarrely hooligan and scummy on the level of invasion of privacy this slanderous violent syndicate announces itself gladly as an agency of World War Two by an Axis arrangement between the Non-Aggression Pact of Europe that predated Barbarossa, a network of CIA and KGB all explained in these screwtape letters about poaching JFK and ten little Kennedys.
The evidence is written for hilarity. It shows beyond the shadow of a doubt that John Lennon was not a victim. He worked with Pentagon-Disney in pulling a charade. Ming Na Wen pilfered the letters with the help of a notorious museum thief named John Shulman to help Burstyn and Harcourt arrange things for Trump when she lived in Pittsburgh. She has played a devious, murdering angle of terrible, fearful belligerence that was worked out between Clinton and Bowie through Disney and the Geffen machine. By claiming Lennon’s victory was center stage as a victim of his own script they brokered for a concept of mass gratification a nuclear revenge plan against the American people signed by Sergei Eisenstein, Walt Disney and Clint Eastwood.
Making me answerable to charges about a genocide that originated with them, the Beatles built a deterrent against climate activism in the 80's and now rant that there must be no history if we are to have a future.
Tacoma Dome is Magic Mountain Yasukuni