While we are awaiting the Irish punks to show up and avenge Saoirse Kennedy (Trump, tell them no!) I will tell you Bonzos a bedtime story. Naturally, we all hope this can be avoided, and it can be, of course, just open the books on the evidence that NWAsianWeekly published an image to advertise the sociological plan of Andrew Cho to murder Saoirse. It’s not that hard. We can go to court and you shalt suredly win. Win, hahaha, Win, hahaha. I’m not going to do anything if you don’t want to investigate. I’m a punk. I won’t even swat that fly. I don’t really think Khomeini’s women will either, but you know how the attackers like to alibi with fear-mongering their settle-ances. When the Green Conquistador gave it to Iowa Molly, her father said no. Like a good Khomeini’s woman, he wanted the peace of Bobby Kennedy to endure, he reflected in his saintliness, sighing Ono will love me now, wrote faith in sanskrit on Molly’s nameless grave. The orcs, after all, have their own martyr, too. The murder of these women is about loyalty and power, the false claim made by the sex story magnates to wearing their horns proudly in the AIDS attack, an attack proven by the still unreported facts about Mt. Desert Island and Two Virgins Pussyball.
Michel Foucault, the saint of fag rock in Seattle, laughed at the idea of feminists when meeting with the Ayatollah planning the Fundamentalist Tripartite of HitlerReagan. Khomeini gave his flock chills describing the law of God. He waved his magic finger and declared that the dirty humanists believed that a man in his home could do as he liked. Foucault knew perfectly well that the first ring of fire to encircle the house of the rabble by electronic means would be the squawking squads of malicious gossip, plying their sex story alibis for Queen Elizabeth the Rotten.
I’m the guy the British wanted Seattle to X-terminate. Seattle is upset about being so easily shown to have murdered Saoirse Kennedy as part of their plot to use Climate Change to gloss over the AIDS attack and become the leaders of the United States of Bonzo, Inc. The Green Party whacked out my father’s obituary with comments about injecting parochial values and the creepy signifier Donohue and got away with by selling Warhol sex stories about a victim of the local Jay Epstein scene. They smothered the truth about the AIDS entrapment war game authorized by the British on Mt. Desert Island (their territory) in vaginal fluids and gutter snipes.
It’s interesting that the Kennedy Era was killed the same way. Pamela Turnure was one of JFK’s lovers. She became Jackie’s Press Secretary and was kissed on the hand by Jack Ruby’s merchandise specialist, LBJ, after the slay in the limousine. Jackie got away to greener pastures in Pepperland.
After the British underworld and Israel brutally, brutally, brutally attacked me as a child, reporting about which has the NAACP chewing the carpet like rottweiller, Saoirse thinks she’s special, the white suck is tryna get some, a child molesting ordeal about which Seattle thinks dismissively enough to dispense with some Kennedy fluff, dang Saoirse anyway, I wrote a semi-comatonic saga about mind control tyranny and musical good guys called The Heaven and Hell Odyssey. When Leslie Katz rubbed her butchy knot in my face, her guy at Swarthmore answered a phone call from me and shouted, “It’s the brain police.” Clever to have the golem made out to be thought police as he tried to shout down the demons of hate by crying “someone give them flutes”. My oh my did the gargoyles laugh.
It shows the superior power of New York money when marketing children targeted by Yoko Ono and Neva Corporation in revenge attacks for the Axis. You should see the Foucault Queers lisping their dirty innuendos about pedo culture as they licky chops and howl for Michael Reagan’s favorite scene. Seattle and Warhol knew how to deal with goyem, cultivate their fantasies of love and then sell them into slavery to hustlers. Saoirse was murdered by Seattle because Jimmy Creary thinks he has rights to his own labor and the AIDS victims want him to suck them. Jay Inslee thinks that’s fair. He has higher concerns like endangered species. Inslee’s guy got my fiance from me by daring me to talk shit about the AIDS attack.
Seattle doesn’t need to worry. They have Black Panthers in good with the KKK to take out the Irish if they get uppity about Saoirse. Foucault always has a good laugh at Khomeini’s women.
Lawyers in the United States of Bonzo, Inc. are notoriously chickenly and predatory. They flock to the deceit in hives, itching to prove their zeitgeist by proving the Israeli’s never take incitement sitting down. The murder of Saoirse has been lisped a Loyalty Oath to the Star of David, because Jimmy Creary told on Gail Burstyn and a Jay Jay come down from Garfield to shoot up Tree of Life. Trump didn’t tell them no this time. Neither did Obama Mickey.
The KKK and Black Panthers, three of a perfect pair.