Shadow of the Owl
by James M. Crary, 2025
A Research Paper on the Doctored Image of Social History provided by Hollywood as a medium for State Murder and Social Control
Abstract: Italian futurists were present in Fiume, a counterfeiting den, at the dawn of the era of the great dictators and were pioneers in the birth of the Hollywood studio system. They were also very aware of the potential for pornography, a lesson that intensified during the gas chambers. German UFA studios, under Goebbels, produced starlets that set the trends for big shows, such as Marikko Rokk and Ingrid Bergman. This industry, feeding from war, created an esoteric superstory, told in the background of International cinema as a presentation about the secret power that rules society anonymously in fulfillment of their dream of a fourth dimensional dictator: totalitarianism, masked as God. This paper will explore the four themes of this cult, who they are, who they have killed and what motivated their suicide martyrs. In short, this is about The Big Picture.
“The fault is ours - though perhaps it is to our credit that we were not politicians enough to see through it. Despite all that had gone before, including the transparently disingenuous and disgraceful comedy of non-intervention, carried out by England in favour of France, we could not credit the possibility of such heaped-up knavery and manoeurvring. Our simplicity was culpable. What else could it be but hypocrisy, to behave as though we believed in those pulings about “our brothers in Sudentenland,” when everybody knew that it was not a question of the brothers, but of the Skoda works, Czech industry, Rumanian oil, Hungarian grain.” (Thos. Mann, This Peace, p.23, Alfred Knopf Publisher, 1938)
Thomas Mann had an uncanny gift of foresight in conjuring description of the Beatles and their friends during the genocide of the 80’s their full knowledge of which was mysterious and difficult to describe or explain as an insider to their affairs, leading me to coin the word lickychops and embark on the doom of academic study. The Beatles are characterized by total blackout and deadly police violence. The case that resulted makes it easier to see what was done in Gaza and evaluate the crimes with legitimate care to find a civil lens that explains how persons both foreign and English could form a boisterous extermination party, dancing on the graves of millions of people while gathering votes, huge sums of money and words of praise. It takes work. This dissertation and attending visual materials provided, does exactly this ~ explaining the use of United Nations’ offices for war games, Amnesty International for rape and murder and the Prime Minister’s office for premeditated holocaust all by one simple name: Blaise Cendrars. The copious belching of confederate counter-views notwithstanding.
The goal of 4th way fascism is counterfeiting the spirit world which is their occupied zone
Criticism and censorship 141 them because they didn’t have any so we’re critical other countries they were high and I think what they did was you want to know the truth? And post all that so, and pushed all that aside they are saying will tell you the truth, and the way you will not understand
Lucky through all censorship in the lawnmower. I see our arguments being put forward by people who are trying to slow down right for censorship that is regional so that the urban tolerance in the rural communities but when you look at it, dialogue between censorship and silence you’re talking about people who are frightened and think they know what’s being he and this is small list of things that the people are silent for the safety, what was the time something superstore the people did not know which being so if you were to get a list of things that were generally conceded about issues that were being censored about like violence, political vines, so it would not be on that list so the sensor and the conscription silence forms kind of makes it even harder understand what was going on behind the scenes is it really censorship or silence of people don’t know about it in history that’s basically too time channels what happens and what we say about what happens
P 141
The ballad of ztoon and Khalik (putins $4th way trollsPITMAN
Many peop;e has cpm[laint that media isn’t teling The headhunt is inherently a Sotheby’s squabble as the medium for a feud between censors. A lot of people who complain that the media is up to something other than telling the truth nevertheless approve because of their stake in the Big Picture
To understand the traffic in the Big Picture you first grasp the revolving door between reality and the silver screen RECON as Bustyn war team gothed Toon was laregly sponsor thfo and USthe German liked the idea of history being written by the winners and went to work with friends like Boiwe setting the story to rights first
One of the creepiest thing about the game is flipp a mysterian majestic creature that started as a Roark in rock who morphed into toohey a tartuffian goblin
Penn warren gang at fbi The arrangement was a laugh got moguls the voterie before leapfrog blank chck houdini leapfrog make moguls look like fakirs
Both Mackenzie Shirilla and Saoirse Kennedy were victims of Nosferatahu’s sorcery war. Ohio State Corrections have a Democratic Party Corrections program that plies sex and attack prostitution at University of Pittsburgh through the personal favorites of the loathsome Robert Fripp a Zionist guttersnipe behind Two Virgins pussyball
One thing that was the conflict of interest on the partner for the fancy time he had run for prosecuting attorney, so he actually defended her. He would’ve been declared an enemy of the people.
By moving the rave into position in a signal from Egypt they switch the blame for the death of civilians to a gorilla group were looking to take some military just to exchange for presents Israel gravely, aggravated severe because he provided them a pre-text
Graham and Gaza
A the hardship is real
The injury quotient becomes an advertisement for the status quo despite the scarcity being manufactured
Biden and Pittsburgh were like the planet of the apes when it came to the old testament and I should say I am sure that they still are probably that indicates TOon as surely Rosine did.
Turn and Biden as part I having a conversation with an news clipping from Banes, which they had like on the brain and example of this is the rookies acknowledgment to DT
This is Abraham or whatever God you favorite son or whatever or use my father to produce me so he can get hold of switch with the good kind Representative kind of excluded my sort of existential, trans inclusive trans inclusive
The issues are certainly relative, but what does it matter when the people masquerade this ridiculous
p.13 footnote 12
The striptease burlesque- Diaghilev to Dia
Bush is a viper but his rebel sidekick Sinfield was such a Goebellian master of puncraepft and soothsay that he might as well have never existed. C.O.R.E, under HitlerReagan owe much to Toon but adoption of Pussyball in the AIDS attack needs more than Mandela freed to argue for it
Again we see the revolving door of career lines in Hollywood access
Critical to understanding
how Geffen used Obama in Allegheny County’s strategic kuklukogram spelling out Black confederacy in the Fundamentalist tripartite and expectations for the Ark of kolarz (which was surely a brainstorm of of the British Foreign Legion) stagecrafted and strategically situated at Caliban and Mandela Books on Craig (Salwa Al-Noori). How this came from UFA studios requires knowledge of the Swedes, Swid-Powell and Spin Magazine around Guggenheim who were assured by Mellon’s counterfeit horde of yinzers that parrotboy was golemmed for Herr Gruestre.
This gun for hire
You should have to buy me a new one
Now you see it
Where did he go church clip
Telltale clip