Seattle psychiatric always play favorites.   The film Carrie was a statement about the American military.  How much cruelty would it take to make the tea kettle go off in an isolated, non-violent intellectual, withheld from school by deafness for a vivisection ordeal of Chinese abortion torture arranged by the KDP to give bray to the NAACP?   Those of us who have learned very quickly that the term Millennials isn’t enough, we now have Generation X are older and less restricted in our assessment about the 60’s and 80’s. The Military, largely English and Israeli, but also including the jaded Taiwanese, temporarily promoted sexual abandon so they could orchestrate a backlash.  Donnie Chin of Chinatown didn’t seem like the type to be party to something like that and one of Chin Family confirmed that I had been brutalized as a child. The girl who taught me sign language is named Chin. Donnie Chin’s name was then used to kill Saoirse Kennedy by UW Sociology supporting Ming Na Wen’s arrangement for Warhol targeting me by torture, sexually illicit seduction and entrapment and promotion of the horrible Gail Burstyn behind the script concerning the AIDS attack, which Wen promoted as cudda saved John Lennon.  Eerily, Wen is behind the circumstances in Pittsburgh where I was warned about the murder of Tupac Shakur. These oriental women, Wen and her thugs in Chinatown feminazi, aren’t in it for America. They just want power. When I liked Donnie Chin, I eulogized him as the fighting the best of the good fight in America, and quoted from eulogies for Eleanor Roosevelt and Robert Kennedy. I won’t make that mistake again.

       Leslie Katz was a common Jewish sex criminal.  What she was doing was a sex crime for persons of interest:  Gail Burstyn, Thos. Gordon, Martin Andelman, Yoko Ono, Andy Warhol, the Reagan junta and Justin Chang.  It is a Trump party line in the university system. Leslie Katz preyed upon my sincerity and distinguished upbringing as part of a brain trauma experiment that Chin’s bedfellows in Seattle helped develop in order to have Chin i, my deaf advocate raped and me chemically castrated.  Killing Saoirse was just finishing up in order to, as Gordon likes to say, get my goat. Warhol’s agent said spitefully, “you paid with your heart.” They compelled this as a metanarrative from the production team behind Penis Gabriel’s album, “Thfo”.  

       My first goal is to get them in trouble with honest police desks, my second goal to show how evil they really are.   Claymont, where Fripp of King Crimson was headquartered during the days following the murder of my father, I donohue was behind it, is a conduit from which the celebrity superstate grants super-talent from Pierce Brosnan’s mission house to the riff raff of fringe cultures like KDP.  Fripp is kissy lick with Colin Powell. I was kidnapped, tortured and gassed in place called Kings Estate, which was Israeli cunning, like Claude Lanzmann’s heavenly estate, what the Germans called the ramp to the gas chamber. Burstyn’s letters were coming from Israel and Busis, the leader of Holocaust Survivors, was abusing me as an ear doctor.   This is why the KDP were able to manufacture the idea that my testimony had something to do with the Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh that led to a vigil on the corner of Forbes and Murray.

       This corner is where Leslie Katz would sit waiting for the 74 bus, a number Gail Burstyn in her script called the best number, for being indexed to G-d.   It was the church of MisterRogers. The world is wrong about MisterRogers. Penis Gabriel’s alibi for Mt. Desert Island as an Experience Park was based on MisterRogers’ disgusto image as a good Catholic in the fight  against abortion when, in reality, he was an evil genius behind the Walrus plan.

      WQED, which is coded for When Queen Elizabeth Dies, is at a convent, near a building decorated with swastikas outside the Friends Meeting House where Rusted Root played their first gig.   It is bordered by Rodef Shalom, quite a name Roe-Deaf, and employs Tom Ammons, of Artek, the Salk Labor gang who tortured me and built the Indian Parliament. Ralph Proctor had a friendship going with the KKK from there, making sex tapes, and of course, Matt Marcus, who burned No-L (Noelle) and Paige (Page) gangrenous “to bring them back to reality” he said.  MisterRogers’ pastor made a visit to Mt. Desert Island during the war game. A man who lit a mailbox on fire was his gardener.

        Ming Na Wen had a brutal friend named Thos. O’Connor who was a vicious racist.   His van drove recklessly at Kelly School. O’Connor reminded me of Beat Kitano’s Brutal Cop, so I wasn’t real surprised when I found out that Wen is a friend of Omar Epps, the star of the Obama inauguration brutal film, “Brother,” by Epps and Kitano.   These murderers, Wen and O’Connor, set it up with Pitt psychiatric to have me screaming in seizures from Chang and Wattenmaker’s nerve agent and Chinese abortion torture. During this time, Rosa Monteleone, a Trump hooker arrangement, championed the sex crimes of Leslie Katz in the name of Sean Lennon.  They had me screaming in seizures in Iowa, where they later murdered Molly, after raping deaf Chin i. Fancy me thinking one of the Chins was friendly to the truth. Rose of that office may even be being named in a missive that appears to link the Daytona shooting to the murder of Saoirse Kennedy. Just look at Kitano’s film about a deaf kid sporting a shirt from Pittsburgh if you think I’m so wrong.

         Behind this infamy is more than sending people into a mandatory Lennon beyond by way of a gas chamber called Kings Estate.  The murderer Martin Sheen is playing the fiddle at the gates of Auschwitz, having sainted his son for the mission, cooing that in the emerald beyond lie the fields of Ambrosia.  Deaf suck, his dacoits catcall from the ramp to the gas chamber, your Mercy mission is not to escape.

        The induction to mystical dying and forced Monk-ery to narrate for Claymont Society is scripted by Burstyn as, “Story of the Bird.”  It mentions Nobuko who starred in, “Children of Hiroshima.” The Toshiro Mifune film, “Birth of Japan,” ends with a Disney bird flying around the peaceful sun.  “It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s alright,” the tribesman dance and sing.

        King Edward, in 1925, demanded that Hollywood be placed under the control of the Church of England.  He was very good friends with Adolf Hitler. Hitler’s bought boy, Allen Dulles, betraying Eisenhower as wormtongue for our pseudo-allies in the Suez Crisis, had stationed the Biblicist Cecil B. DeMille in the CIA’s Radio Free Europe program set up with Ian Fleming.  The FBI had refused to help Ian Fleming murder American citizens he accused of spying on London, so Fleming turned to Dulles to create the CIA. Kennedy fired Dulles, and Dulles got rid of Kennedy. Ian Fleming is legendary for helping John Lennon pull his infamous Houdini.   This extremism, this hallucinography, this vendetta like a scene from “Red Dawn,” “AVENGE ME AVENGE ME, REAGAN DIDN’T KNOW,” is just like Lennon and Edward. Kyra, George Romero’s daughter, used to come over our house, sit on our steps tearing clothes and letting out blood-curdling screams.  Both her name and Leslie’s are in the Burstyn papyrus.

         AIDS was designed as the ultimate religious electric koolaid, replete with a Warhol scream show from Night of the Living Dead, with ingenues named Paul Runco and Paul Tierni setting up the fraternity gossip column for Skeeter, Edelstein and their gruesome gangbangers from India, selling poetry for Armenia, while KDKA radio tells a Jewish shock jock calling himself a Palestinian, “we don’t talk that way, Abdul.”

         Even having to think about that child-raping piece of shit, Penis Gabriel is enough to heave.
