There are an assortment of Shulman Books toodaloos on the air ranging from Khalek to Finkelstein and the insiders guild appears to know that my testtube AIPAC controller of fate is Katie Palter with Niles Shortz suspected in the 1966 dated photo of I Love Sira Siran painted on the garage but it might have been Pali Peckham.  These sandbaggers play the award winning position of you all love and regale those who tell the truth so much we’ll give you some because Zionists are Texas Queers at heart, they love to rub it in your faces.

     The most vile triumvirate was Lennon, Chapman and Strub or what Eisenstate, a Toon speechwriter from Pit tsburgh, where the idea that government is based on reason is a Hitler giggle, called Bad Martyrs, men willing to jump ship for attention and their cause as Zappa wud sey bit youall luvv it dpnt nyou