It is a well known fact that I admire Ivanka Trump, but equally well known is that I have murderous, psychiatric character assassins casing me, probably as much for Donald as anyone, so, even though it’s futile and ludicrous, the point is suppose someone tried to harm one of the Trump children. People familiar with my testimony would be coached to jump to the conclusion, oh my god someone took revenge for Saoirse, and indeed, to protect others the Kennedys would likely keep under wraps what happened to Saoirse so such ideas didn’t take hold. The reason I don’t feel that way is that there is evidence that can catch, lawfully, the killers, which would be a beautiful tribute to her by law enforcement. Okay, so here’s my point, not that revenge doesn’t ever happen, it gets written up in countless books and films where it belongs, rather than on the turf of a law abiding commonwealth, but rather that people would be coached to think that is what happened which is what the British have been doing, misleading people to believe it is revenge, when, in reality, it would be a double homicide, or I should say the same perpetrators, hoping it wouldn’t succeed and not wanting to be a Kennedy curser on the house of the political opposition, I donohue would feel differently.

The point has to be made very clear because it constantly escapes notice that I have explained and explained and explained. One possibility is revenge, the second possibility is known as Yojimbo. It’s historic. Misleading people to believe they know who attacked them when they don’t so the real killers can strike again by hitting the other side. This is British deviancy.

You will notice with the British rabid, there is never common cause. It is impossible for them to mourn our dead. Their own injured, or alleged injured, not only count for more but are always used to pressure us to side with those who they claim killed their soccer buddies they say it as, when they attack us over and over and over again, completely unprovoked, on behalf of the truly guilty, and laugh, just like they did after killing Saoirse. It’s this sort of sly form of guerilla warfare that Penis Gabriel excels in for Yoko Ono’s criminal adventure in the United States, notoriously Seattle.

I realize it is hard to understand. It is called Yojimbo. They apparently used a deepfake with Lennon and got him out of sight. Even if you don’t believe that fact, sneering that what they’ve done in his name isn’t devious is wild.