One very sad day, Martha Gellhorn fell silent forever, after a charmed life in the darkness of perennial war. Although rarely discrete in her entries, we do know from some asides what she suspected (and of course she wrote to me). Like Herbert Agar, her contemporary, she felt that being obscure was in fact a show of dishonesty. American journalism, for them, was not the place to be evasive. Gellhorn was one of the last to be honored by old laws concerning the Post Office, an institution on which much that we hold inviolate depends. Gentlemen do not read another man’s mail, and the honor of an effigy on the symbol of our first freedom was only post-mortem. Although the reign of President:Index Gruber and his chum at Microsoft have restructured laws intended to protect society from personality cults, the wisdom lasted long enough to honor Gellhorn. One could say that civics and sensibility soon followed her.
Letters affirmative of those who later assassinate the writer is a known cultural genre in Japan. We now live in a storyteller’s reich. Unless someone can find a way to crack open Rockefeller’s New York publishing city like a zit, we are probably in for a long ordeal with nightmare weasels who have decimated our social prospects of State, culture and leadership. President:Index Gruber is a Brazilian imbecile. The reason for a socialist safety net that allows profit from indigenous craft and small business is to cultivate freedom from tyranny without risk of earthdeath. To understand how the Axis satired America in the Kennedy assassination and follow up crime of the Texas Schoolbook, giving power to punish us to those behind the X-termination, you need to engage the whimsy of remorseless fascism that leapt out of Liverpool on the bloody red carpet of Dealey Plaza.
Early in their career The Beatles provoked the D.W. Griffith scene of the berserker old South into predictable tantrums by seeming to announce themselves more popular than Jesus, but what King Edward was demonstrating was the puppet dance and the acumen of the string-pullers. The Beatles were aiming for the day when they would incite the same crummies into even more parched acts than record pyres against anyone who thought the better of Britain’s planet plan, known as the AIDS attack, in which the Beatles were implanted like a nerve poison into the psyche of the American people. Sean Strub was outside the Dakota with Mark David Chapman as a symbol of this plotted synthesis. Lennon used a Hollywood disappearing trick to announce a blessed union with the record-burners, now united behind him for the X-termination.
The rabid were fond of the expression, “a twist of Lennon.” The reason we know that this is what Billy Graham’s friendship with Queen Elizabeth was plotting with Disney and other insiders being knighted for fantasy mongering the American inferiors, is that Penis Gabriel wrote a vicious, dangerously truthless, facelying alibi for something I witnessed up close and Martha Gellhorn was alarmed enough to address me about, expressing absolute astonishment and disbelief, practically begging me to tell her it wasn’t true.
One thing we can be sure of from this is that murder monkey has his set down. The murderer agitates by the ridiculous claim that my not knowing what the letters he sent to me in the ghost hand of a Jewish child meant when I too was a child therefore means that he, the true author, didn’t know what they contained. All of history is his for the taking on the evil smear of the idea that I should have understood him. This hatch resident in their procurement is holocaust survivor reasoning, conspicuously, categorically by index and association. It is attended by a twin brainchild of holocaust survivor jeering that reads: go ahead and tell the reading public see if they give a shit. To be cute the assassins promoted names like Lederer. President:Index Gruber is advertising a call for applicants: Israel, North Korea, Russia, England, Japan, Brazil and Burma, who gets to do the honors in kicking America’s face in for the fall of the West? That’s all he really means by America First.
If you don’t like what you are reading when you see my name blame the people who did it for a change. When the authorities, many decades ago, were advised that I was being followed by murderers who kidnapped and tortured me they laughed, put him in a sex chamber for a session, see if he can Houdini outta dat one. While I struggled with the gordian knot sober realists impinged a debate. Morandini spouted in Earth Science class, “If a child puts it finger in a light socket the adult who had it uncovered by safety plugs is to blame,” while calling Angelo Dicimo, “gearhead.” His fellow science teacher, Mr. Topp, who offered me fifty bucks to drive a dark looking klukker vehicle one way to Louisiana, had a favorite, Dolly Meieren, associated today with Sean Strub, who used to write, “U.S. Out of North America,” while enjoying the protection as an Israeli of Oliver North. Dolly Meieren, never friendly to me, insisted on going with me to see, “Monty Python and the Holy Grail.” Likewise, her brother, celebrating the effect of their poison on my feelings as a rejected boyfriend, made a special mission to Leslie Katz to play and listen together to Pink Floyd’s “The Wall,” for them a real bottle of champagne.
I, Claudius, Clouseau for obvious reasons never managed to escape the sickening advances of Penis J. Sinfield, esquire to President:Index Gruber. Like his Israeli bedfellow Miles Andrew Kirshner, the word he uses is affection, the lip-smackings of a cannibal. How clever to set up a podium to accuse, accuse, while laughing all the way to the profits to be taken at the drugstore after the poison spread. Despite being very straightforward most of the time, one wonders what she suspected in 1964, a few months after the death of Kennedy, a crime she called “ravenous” and which solidified her determination never to return home, when she wrote, for an article called, “Is there a New Germany?” the bitter lines, “In eighteen years, we have turned an astonishing emotional and intellectual somersault,” because we now know for a fact that the 18 year flip from 46 to 64 was alphanumeric encryption to AH for Adolf Hitler in the Texas Schoolbook, where 1 = A and 8 = H and 4/4 the death of King meant DD. What killed her in the end was inability to accept her favorites Israel had done this thing with Argentinians and Reagan under the dark tabloid of British cunning, calling it the Spirit of Casper.