The Kennedys are entitled to their privacy. It is not me who violated that privacy. Reagan framed me as a psychological rapist during the AIDS attack and Trump sold this idea with the help of Robert Fripp of King Crimson to help Pitt justify a loud and clear AIDS war game concerning testing and infection on Mt. Desert Island in 1988 despite a script from 1974 laying the plans. Before she was murdered, Saoirse Kennedy was suspiciously raped. The logic and personnel is consistent with the presence of Massachusetts war-college types angling as one of them put it to “get your goat.” The British have been working on the infinitesimal aspects of this plan and its execution a long time with deviants. They have sold it from UW with the market of Seattle cheering in the name of John Lennon.
The suspicious rape emerges from fraudulent premises, based in UW psychiatry’s support for fabrications allowing them to assign deep and gruesome voodoo to a personality change chemical made in an Israeli laboratory in Pittsburgh by Cyril Wecht for the Wattenmakers, as admitted in the script that Wecht’s partner, Oliver Stone, justified with the slur that the outcome, in my case, was “psychologically consistent” with the plan. The tone of my letter protesting their incitement to date rape was converted and twisted into the sale. When I tried to report this to my school, the women, rather than defend me, jumped to the conclusion that the whole thing must have been justified, despite the fact that partners of Gail Burstyn at Bryn Mawr and Radcliffe made the whole thing up and didn’t have a victim to show for it. The Sheriff of Allegheny County admitted that I had never even been accused.
UW did more than create the allegation of date rape phobia to cause this frenzy. They used it to eliminate all moral considerations concerning horrible, Caligula acts of torture and the deliberate spread of AIDS. If hatred is intense enough to justify torture that severe, it helps to normalize the AIDS attack, which itself vanquishes the notion of defense against such sadism. The catch, invented from the British, was a stormtrooper slander about date rape they invented and as they put it “impinged on the persona’s experience.” Once that was accomplished, they licked their chops and sought compensation. They didn’t just rape Saoirse, they raped my deaf (a word they change to death) advocate. The girl who provoked it was a still a virgin when we broke up.
One of the lead sadists of the operation was Chow Yun Fat. Fat worked with a Fox agent (Alucard) David Lucarelli engineered into my house to grab the letters for Warhol when Trump was ready. While they split my head open by yammering at me about having taken my lovely fiance away, and tearing Midori Goto’s pussyball race war through the Pittsburgh limelight, leaving me hostage and screaming in homeless destitution after the rape of my best friend, Lucarelli and Fat put out a film, “Anna and the King,” in which a picturesque Asian squaw is used by the King as he puts her Buddhist intended to death or something, I forget.
Meanwhile, Zappa mandated anti-Christian shock jocks so that both sides could team up for free smacks in defense of the attackers, promoting the script as a steal for the Green Party, whose lead character, Midori Goto’s name means Green in Japanese, a gang who poisoned me in the mouth to generate brain plaque. Obama used race as a diversion, convincing Seattle to cheer advocacy for minority grievance as a campaign to smother the truth about the attack, all part of the Trump wizards ideograham. The curve of Foucault’s maniacal masochism was imposed on a rude campaign of thought invasion jeering that Rapid Eye Movement surveillance of an impacted nerve trauma would tell if a one-stroke defiant trespass during consensual sex justified HIV. To purge this menacing phobia so that they can move on, the Warhols had Saoirse raped and murdered.
Women raping each other in America is evidently nothing new. The NEVA Corporation’s hierarchy is built on the satisfaction involved.
Rose is the name of an informed individual in the office of a doctor I thought corroborated the brutality.