The rabid will begin its sad tale that because James Crary, American deaf citizen, didn’t like a hired whore pretending to love him sleeping with British Axis loyalist soccer teamsters who had mutilated him as a little boy and used him for a brain-damage poison experiment that South Africa convinced Nelson Mandela to approve after playing like they were too high minded to do it to him, to moralize in the KKK darkness, you think they’re better than us, they’ll only turn on you, the liberal is therefore, for rejecting the queer doctrine of bondage to Lennon’s spirit meaning slavery to the New Order, he was declared the anti-Lennon by forces using his name to play act as though he was responsible for Lennon’s disappearance and nobody can beat Ming Na Wen at Disney, claiming Reagan was framed and getting even.   The situation is a total defeat of the United States of America to the criminally insane. Meanwhile Obama, capable of nothing but being low, insulted every single teacher in Community College of Allegheny County and Tacoma Community College by a cheap victory of throwing me into a final math class over my head and skill level to defy the legitimacy of my ability to think.

        According to Obama and Wen, as serial killers for Geffen Corporation, the anti-Lennon should be poachered by Catholic perverts with disease hired by Donald Trump Special Services to King Judas the Crimson.  In this world, at least, our society begins to make sense.

       The rabid lisp that following the evidence is divorced from reality when, in reality, it is divorcing in to-reality.   The White Album, which trashed and ruined the American Civil Rights Movement making anyone who opposed the war look like sex crazed long hairs with Aum Shinrikyo proclivities for a wife, was so horrific that even King Pervert Ringo couldn’t put a thesis together about the role played by Mark David Chapman, scripted by his favorite, Gail Burstyn.  The W.A. came out 11-22.63 as an act of Voodoo tabulation about JFK who, according to scripture, Captain Marvel zapped right between the eyes. In no time at all, these murderers basking in the holy point value of their claim, slaughtered Saoirse Kennedy and raped a retarded girl for teaching me sign language, demanding that their guru Lennon be recognized as the Swami of the deranged, loyal only to HitlerReagan.

       Why didn’t the Beatles tell you in 1984 when they claim to have found out that AIDS was an attack?   Because they didn’t want you to know. They are still claiming it is all part of their Magic Show. They attacked me blindside as a waif with the words, “I heard you called me an asshole,” to signify that anyone telling the truth about it dies trying (D.T.) to get help.  That is what the Bush Administration meant in equating Free Speech = Death when GB (Great Britain) used the computer name RUSH-DIE for SPIN.

        Acceptance is a lot easier to say than to do.  Some things can never be accepted, some things have to be.   Nobody foresaw the Third Reich. It came out of nowhere. No one foresaw the death of JFK or the disaster in Vietnam.  The sudden arrival of potentially catastrophic climate change was not on our minds until recently. We don’t know what will happen next.   We do know that deranged American inhumanity allowed the FBI to validate and promote using Mancine as a signifier for Real World Manson Cinema, totally unchallenged.  We know they encrypted James Comey for James Scummy. We know that in Iowa, mopes from Congress are just an office away from full houses of children from Latin America covered with swarms and swarms of bugs, unspeakable filth, and that the NAACP come down at night to urinate everywhere around their trash areas.  The administration of higher learning pout about my canvas, it won’t help you against the Abominable Dr. Contagion.

         The like to proclaim a spiritual karma, but they don’t mean it.  My legacy and inheritance were ripped off in broad daylight by their Ku of Fangs.   Colucci, working with Karl in a Reagan House cryptonym of Carlucci used to say that his mother, the red balloon of his father’s unpublished 45 r.p.m. was cooking up a storm while he put out lightbulbs with paperclips.   The Jews inculcated laughter machines about their plan to ostracise with quips about Donald Ostro’s size, by which they mean pedo-penis from the battle of Epstein’s forest. They pulled the whole thing off by not meaning anything.  As for loyalty, Curarie trusted Flipp, he took as an emotional comprehension the decipher of BUT NEVER to BURNT EVE, but Flipp had another wangle in mind. The Plan IT for the Planet.

        The murderers from London are prosecuting JMRC with the exact same punishment system they used to trial-and-execute JFK and you stupid motherfuckers are standing for it. Robert Fripp and his evil-minded sister’s bullshit about cudda saved John Lennon is the exact type of rubbish that you get about the Locarno Caves from Eugenic movements like theirs. We are all raised being told they are primitive. How many people look at them under magnifying glasses and for how long before their realize they were painted by a Da Vinci? These weasels in their murder and mayhem are expecting the impossible from a 12 year old, that a child understand another 12 year old is a ringleader of genocide precisely to protect the ringleader by expecting the impossible and that is the iron hammer of their surrogate nuclear attack on the United States for which they want us to be blamed and they will accept JFK and JMRC as payment.